Here are the words of parents who had bad experience with clippers

"After my husband and I both nicked our preemie newborn’s delicate fingertips with traditional baby clippers, we were terrified to try again. (I cried 10 times more than our daughter when I saw the blood.)" - Siena

One day you will probably make that terrible mistake if you keep cutting your baby's nails in such a dangerous way.

This device will help you avoid that horrible experience...

What People Are Saying

This is a must have for every parent! I was trying to use the traditional nail clippers, and did every parents worst nightmare! I clipped my sons thumb. This is way easier and way safer. It works great and I would recommend this for any parent.


I've owned this for about an hour and I'm so thrilled with it I had to come write a review.

A month or so ago I nipped my precious baby girl's thumb while trying to clip her nails. She cried, I cried, trauma was had all around (not so much for her but definitely me).

Her nails got to the point of talons and I became desperate because she was not only clawing at herself but me too. As soon as this arrived I whipped it out and it to use. My 12 week old sat on my lap while I filed her nails down. I hit her fingers once or twice and she didn't even flinch. Her nails are now an appropriate length with no jagged edges. It took no longer than clipping and it was a much more pleasant experience.

I appreciate the additional pads and attachments, as well as the light and case. This will also be nice to use for myself! Great value, highly recommend.

Amber P

I absolutely love this product!!! My baby's nails grow so fast and I was told at the hospital that I couldn't cut her nails right away. Luckily, I could easily file them with this. I file my baby's nails either while she's asleep or after a feed. She can barely feel it. Super gentle, even for newborns, and I don't have to worry about cutting her with clippers! I use it almost every day!
